Work Experience

Columbia University, Research Fellow & Ph.D. Candidate. 2019-2025. 

Skills and Methods: Conducted multiple mixed method research projects, including qualitative projects involving interviewing, participant observation, document collection and analysis, and quantitative projects involving data collection of survey, administrative, and proprietary data, statistical analysis using R and SPSS, and management and processing of large datasets using AWS and NLP methods. 

Research Areas: Primary topic areas include work, political economy, unemployment, precarious and gig work, and labor organizing. Projects include studying the spread of precarious and gig work, understaffing and turnover, union organizing campaigns, protests during economic crisis, and political education.

Teaching: Teaching Fellow, Social World (2020), Work and Gender (2020), and Methods in Social Science Research (2022).

Supervision: Supervised a MS student research assistant for ten weeks through completion of a computational project. 

Service and Organizing: Departmental Student Representative, Columbia Department of Sociology (2020-2021); Coordinator, Women in Academia Convening (2020-2022); Seminar Rapporteur, Columbia Women and Society Seminar (2021-Present);  Vice Chair, Student Workers of Columbia (SWC-UAW 2710), (2023).

INCITE, Research Fellow. 2019-2025. 

Worker Empowerment Research Network (WERN): Lead the creation of a survey instrument, data collection and management. Used SPSS and R to conduct quantitative analysis on union organizing tactics and employer opposition tactics in NLRB representation elections during 2016-2021. Used R to combine and standardize previous rounds of survey data with data from BLS, QCEW, NLRB, and other administrative sources to examine changes in campaign strategies and union targeting over the past 30 years. 

Labor Lab: Designed and conducted a mixed methods project in partnership with a union to study the impact of union political education on membership attitudes and behaviors. Designed research agendas, developed interview protocols, conducted and coded interviews, conducted ethnographic research, statistically analyzed administrative datasets, and written empirical work.

United Steelworkers, Strategic Campaigns Researcher. 2018-2019. 

Strategic Research: Identify leverage points and strategies for organizing and collective bargaining campaigns at various privately and publicly held companies, as well as non profit organizations. 

Climate and Labor: Drafted reports on an electric vehicle company for a project in partnership with Jobs to Move America aimed at creating policy changes centering on government procurement and funding for sustainable green jobs. 

Organizing, Campaigns, and Political Education: Created and presented research to union members regarding state-specific union membership, legislation, and labor issues. Strategized campaigns and helped train members on campaign mobilization, workplace mapping, and communication. 

Cornell University ILR School Worker Institute, Research Assistant. 2016-2018. 

First Contracts Gains for Women of Color: Under the supervision of Dr. Kate Bronfenbrenner, used SPSS to analyze over 270 collective bargaining agreements and create tables of relevant findings to examine the gains of first contracts for women of color.

Tracking Offshoring and Production Shifts: Sent FOIAs to state governments to obtain WARN and TAA notices for a project about production and employment shifts commissioned by the Center for American Progress. Compiled a detailed database of over 500 production shift cases and used corporate research to investigate relevant companies.

Supervision: Co-managed a team of 7 undergraduate research assistants, including mentoring new researchers, checking research for accuracy, and writing memos.

American Federation of Teachers, Research and Strategic Initiatives. 2017. 

Strategic Research: Conducted extensive research and created detailed profiles of school boards, charter schools, and private equity firms. 

Political Research: Sent multiple FOIAs and collected information from state governments for a project on student debt published on the front page of the New York Times.  Investigated corruption in local government by researching development and real estate companies and political contributions.  Analyzed company 10K filings for a published article examining the effects of the Trump Administration on various industries.

Solidarity Center, Trade Union Strengthening Department. 2016.

Palm Oil Supply Chains: Researched, analyzed, and wrote two-30 page comprehensive reports on the palm oil industry in Indonesia and Liberia, including the supply chain, manufacturing process, and country specific issues such as unionization, land grabs, child labor, forced labor, trafficking, and deforestation. 

Strategic Research: Analyzed financial and corporate data to construct corporate reports about 10 major companies involved in the industry.  Mapped companies and operations within a complex, industry-wide international supply chain for use by local unions. 

Presentations: Presented research and strategy recommendations to 10 staff members, including the heads of two departments.

Other Experience

Student Workers of Columbia (UAW-2017), Vice Chair; Member. 2023; 2019-Present. 

Vice Chair: Designed and led steward trainings and grievance filing trainings to promote rank and file unionism. Designed and led new member orientation for incoming union members. Attended workplace council meetings and facilitated general body meetings. 

Rank-and-file member: Served as a strike coordinator, picket captain, and department and school organizer. Served on the communications committee. Spoke on panels about graduate student unions at Cornell University's ILR Union Days, and the American Sociological Association' Graduate Student Proseminar

Cornell Daily Sun, Opinion Columnist. 2016-2017. 

Writing: Wrote biweekly columns exploring the dynamics of multiculturalism and being an international student, as well as gender, politics, and current events. 

Reach: Articles were reposted by Arab America and used in the Workshop for International Skills Enhancement (WISE) Conference at Wake Forest University. I was also invited to be on the Committee for Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom and a panel on Cultural Challenges and Global Learning at the Center for Teaching Innovation.